"This book is of ideal societies. With the front cover bound in gold leather and the back bound in black slate, it has five hundred pages, six hundred and sixty-six indexed entries and a preface by Sir Thomas More. The first entry is a consensus description of Heaven and the last is of Hell. There will always be someone on earth whose Utopian ideal will be Hell. In the remaining pages of the book, every known and every imagined political and social community is described and evaluated, and twenty-five pages are devoted to tables where the characteristics of all societies can be isolated, permitting a reader to sort and match his own Utopian ideal."
-This a quote from Peter
Greenaway's Prospero's BooksUsing this quote as a guide I invented my own version of
The Book of Utopias. I was originally attracted to the ideal that any person's idea of utopia is separate from
another's... but the ideals are all unified by the concept. I wanted to design a book that had many parts that all were very different but fit together cohesively.
I solved this by designing the book around the Golden Rectangle. The book
theoretically will never end it will
continue and for every book there will be another that it fits into. Infinity, is the only way you could ever really understands each and every person idea of utopia.

My book begins with a book of heaven which has the
Greek alphabet printed in it:
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the
beginning and the end." - Revelations.
This heavenly place would not
necessarily be one of God or Allah but a place where everyone and everything fits and prospers
together, not reality but a fundamental ideal. To the next person however this place could be Hell, Hell could be the next persons Heaven.
The next books in my journey include books about science, warriors, oasis and hell. This book is only a
microcosm of Utopian societies.