

In studio we are beginning to examine maps and the ideal of "lying with maps." Hows does one make a map only be legible in a specific way? At the most basic level there are topographic maps, subway maps, road maps that show certain things. But how do you make a map illustrate views and peak interest in parts of a place. I want a map to show me more than want a plan view usually is able to portray.

When I was around 5 or 6 my aunt took me to New York City of a long weekend and she brought with her the most interesting map I had ever seen at that time. My idea of maps until that point have been awkwardly folded pieces of paper that caused my parents to fight on road trips. This is very similar to the type of folded map she had...

This I know is a wall map but her map was done in this similar style... with all of Manhattan in parallel axon view with a water-color hand drawn quality to it.

Here are a few interesting ones I found while running around on the internet.


  1. we talked about petra kempf, right? (the one that i posted on my blog about?)

  2. I don't remember checking it out but I know I have seen her maps before.

  3. ah... i remember... we talked about debord... and psychogeography...
    i posted something under kempf's that might also be of interest
