

I'm interested in mapping nomadic intensities... I'm hoping to more fully understand the areas that are more highly populated than others. Not just noting the areas of high circulation density but understanding why. Are there good or bad vibes on certain parts of the campus? Do people feel more comfortable in some areas than others? If so, where and why? Do places have there own presence by the way people fill them? I believe they do and I'm going to explore these "high intensity" spaces on campus.

The idea of places having a significance reminds me of a Japanese Professor Masura Emoto. He has studied and photographed all different types of water, all the samples come from different places and he freezes them and studies the characteristics under a microscope... some he even takes regualar tap water and studies the changes after being blessed by monks. In some cases he even just puts words on the containers that hold the water.

from Lourdes, France

labeled "You will make me sick, I will kill you"

from oldest river in japan

This is also pretty interesting, Christian Nold maps cities on the emotional geography.

1 comment:

  1. ps. if you look at the link that i made under the debord map, you can find some stuff on the emotional... see: http://tinyurl.com/kmj4ff
    however... be careful with mapping the emotional thing... it can be tricky, very tricky; esp. because of its subjectivity...
